You are searching for your roots...
Andrew Skonka - president
Do you remember the name of a town your grandparents used to talk about? Do you want to find out your family history? We can help you in this research.
Our team of dedicated people is ready to investigate for you, in churches and cities archives across Poland. It is a time consuming job which requires a lot of patience. The minimum charge for our research is $50 US, and regardless of the result we will provide you with a report of our investigation.
Please send us e-mail, we will be happy to help you in your search.
InterPromo Agency - Poland
InterPromo Inc., PO Box. 297 Sag Harbor, NY 11963, USA, phone/fax: (+1) 516-725-4199
InterPromo Poland, 50-244 Wroclaw, pl. Sw. Macieja 5, IIIp., tel/fax: (+48-71) 22-72-92
The Chase Manhattan Bank, Interpromo inc. ACCT # 837500516465
ABA/Routing - 021-000021